
Nearby objects (neighbors)

Many interesting astronomical questions start with asking, "what is near this object"? To enable these kinds of questions, the list below shows all SDSS objects within 0.5 arcminutes of the selected object.

Finding nearby objects is computationally intensive, so we have precomputed a 0.5-arcminute neighbors search for each object in the photoObjAll table. These precomputed neighbor searches are stored in the Neighbors table.

This Object

IAU nameobjidthingid
SDSS J094441.04+345348.31237661137420157073402889867

Neighboring objects within 0.5 arcminutes

objIdradecdistance (arcmin)typemode(mode description)
1237661124547051694 146.17103 34.896760.000STAR2SECONDARY
1237661124547052089 146.16303 34.900570.455GALAXY2SECONDARY
1237661137420157342 146.16299 34.900630.458GALAXY1PRIMARY
1237661124547117199 146.17760 34.891260.462GALAXY2SECONDARY
1237661137420157148 146.17762 34.891260.463GALAXY1PRIMARY
1237661137420157149 146.17583 34.889660.485STAR1PRIMARY
1237661124547117198 146.17920 34.892090.490GALAXY2SECONDARY
1237661137420157147 146.17919 34.892080.491GALAXY1PRIMARY