
Nearby objects (neighbors)

Many interesting astronomical questions start with asking, "what is near this object"? To enable these kinds of questions, the list below shows all SDSS objects within 0.5 arcminutes of the selected object.

Finding nearby objects is computationally intensive, so we have precomputed a 0.5-arcminute neighbors search for each object in the photoObjAll table. These precomputed neighbor searches are stored in the Neighbors table.

This Object

IAU nameobjidthingid
SDSS J094448.87+342214.11237661381698650218398543376

Neighboring objects within 0.5 arcminutes

objIdradecdistance (arcmin)typemode(mode description)
1237664670042554436 146.20363 34.370580.001STAR2SECONDARY
1237661381698650219 146.20306 34.372610.124STAR1PRIMARY
1237661381698650221 146.20379 34.374140.214GALAXY1PRIMARY
1237661381698650228 146.19849 34.371780.265GALAXY1PRIMARY
1237661136883155015 146.20009 34.375850.359STAR1PRIMARY
1237664670042554435 146.20011 34.375820.363STAR2SECONDARY
1237661124010115116 146.20014 34.375870.363STAR2SECONDARY
1237661381698650227 146.20506 34.376760.386GALAXY1PRIMARY
1237661381698650500 146.21320 34.368590.489STAR1PRIMARY
1237661381698650790 146.19430 34.367660.495STAR1PRIMARY