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Nearby objects (neighbors)

Many interesting astronomical questions start with asking, "what is near this object"? To enable these kinds of questions, the list below shows all SDSS objects within 0.5 arcminutes of the selected object.

Finding nearby objects is computationally intensive, so we have precomputed a 0.5-arcminute neighbors search for each object in the photoObjAll table. These precomputed neighbor searches are stored in the Neighbors table.

This Object

IAU nameobjidthingid
SDSS J122224.64+134026.71237661951328584105232445199

Neighboring objects within 0.5 arcminutes

objIdradecdistance (arcmin)typemode(mode description)
1237661951328584106 185.60322 13.675540.092GALAXY1PRIMARY
1237661951328584107 185.60452 13.674360.109GALAXY1PRIMARY
1237661951328584363 185.59822 13.675500.273GALAXY1PRIMARY
1237661951328584085 185.59831 13.671140.311GALAXY1PRIMARY
1237661951328584370 185.60678 13.680090.432GALAXY1PRIMARY
1237661951328584113 185.60863 13.668660.476GALAXY1PRIMARY