Contains data from a given plate used for spectroscopic observations.

Each plate has 640 observed spectra. WE NEED TO SPECIFY WHERE INFORMATION COMES FROM

plateIDbigint8 ID_PLATEUnique ID, composite of plate number and MJD
firstReleasevarchar32  Name of release that this plate/mjd/rerun was first distributed in
run2dvarchar32  2d Reduction rerun of plate
run1dvarchar32  1d Reduction rerun of plate
runssppvarchar32  SSPP Reduction rerun of plate ("none" if not run)
platesmallint2  plate number
tilesmallint2  Tile number for SDSS-I, -II plates (-1 for SDSS-III) [from platelist product]
designIDint4  Design number number for SDSS-III plates (-1 for SDSS-I, -II) [from platelist product]
locationIDint4  Location number number for SDSS-III plates (-1 for SDSS-I, -II) [from platelist product]
mjdint4days MJD of observation (last)
mjdListvarchar512  List of contributing MJDs [from spPlate header]
rafloat8deg RA, J2000 [from spPlate header]
decfloat8deg Dec, J2000 [from spPlate header]
iopVersionvarchar64  IOP Version [from spPlate header]
camVersionvarchar64  Camera code version [from spPlate header]
taiHMSvarchar64  Time in string format [from spPlate header]
dateObsvarchar12  Date of 1st row [from spPlate header]
timeSysvarchar8  Time System [from spPlate header]
cxfloat8  x of Normal unit vector in J2000
cyfloat8  y of Normal unit vector in J2000
czfloat8  z of Normal unit vector in J2000
cartridgeIDsmallint2  ID of cartridge used for the observation [from spPlate header]
taifloat8sec Mean time (TAI) [from spPlate header]
taiBeginfloat8sec Beginning time (TAI) [from spPlate header]
taiEndfloat8sec Ending time (TAI) [from spPlate header]
airmassreal4  Airmass at central TAI time [from spPlate header]
mapMjdint4days Map MJD [from spPlate header]
mapNamevarchar32  ID of mapping file [from spPlate header]
plugFilevarchar32  Full name of mapping file [from spPlate header]
expTimereal4sec Total Exposure time [from spPlate header]
expTimeB1real4sec exposure time in B1 spectrograph [from spPlate header]
expTimeB2real4sec exposure time in B2 spectrograph [from spPlate header]
expTimeR1real4sec exposure time in R1 spectrograph [from spPlate header]
expTimeR2real4sec exposure time in R2 spectrograph [from spPlate header]
vers2dvarchar32  idlspec2d version used during 2d reduction [from spPlate header]
verscombvarchar32  idlspec2d version used during combination of multiple exposures [from spPlate header]
vers1dvarchar32  idlspec2d version used during redshift fitting [from spPlate header]
surveyvarchar32  Name of survey [from platelist product]
programNamevarchar32  Name of program [from platelist product]
chunkvarchar32  Name of tiling chunk [from platelist product]
plateRunvarchar32  Drilling run for plate [from platelist product]
designCommentsvarchar128  Comments on the plate design from plate plans [from platelist product]
plateQualityvarchar32  Characterization of plate quality
qualityCommentsvarchar100  Comments on reason for plate quality
platesn2real4  Overall signal to noise measure for plate
snturnoffreal4  Signal to noise measure for MS turnoff stars on plate (-9999 if not appropriate)
nturnoffreal4  Number of MS turnoff stars on plate
nExpsmallint2  Number of exposures total [from spPlate header]
nExpB1smallint2  Number of exposures in B1 spectrograph [from spPlate header]
nExpB2smallint2  Number of exposures in B2 spectrograph [from spPlate header]
nExpR1smallint2  Number of exposures in R1 spectrograph [from spPlate header]
nExpR2smallint2  Number of exposures in R2 spectrograph [from spPlate header]
sn1_greal4  (S/N)^2 at g=20.20 for spectrograph #1 [from spPlate header]
sn1_rreal4  (S/N)^2 at r=20.25 for spectrograph #1 [from spPlate header]
sn1_ireal4  (S/N)^2 at i=19.90 for spectrograph #1 [from spPlate header]
sn2_greal4  (S/N)^2 at g=20.20 for spectrograph #2 [from spPlate header]
sn2_rreal4  (S/N)^2 at r=20.25 for spectrograph #2 [from spPlate header]
sn2_ireal4  (S/N)^2 at i=19.90 for spectrograph #2 [from spPlate header]
helioRVreal4km/s Heliocentric velocity correction [from spPlate header]
gOffStdreal4mag Mean g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header]
gRMSStdreal4mag Stddev of g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header]
rOffStdreal4mag Mean r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header]
rRMSStdreal4mag Stddev of r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header]
iOffStdreal4mag Mean i-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header]
iRMSStdreal4mag Stddev of i-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header]
grOffStdreal4mag Mean g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header]
grRMSStdreal4mag Stddev of g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header]
riOffStdreal4mag Mean r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header]
riRMSStdreal4mag Stddev of r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header]
gOffGalreal4mag Mean g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header]
gRMSGalreal4mag Stddev of g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header]
rOffGalreal4mag Mean r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header]
rRMSGalreal4mag Stddev of r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header]
iOffGalreal4mag Mean i-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header]
iRMSGalreal4mag Stddev of i-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header]
grOffGalreal4mag Mean g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header]
grRMSGalreal4mag Stddev of g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header]
riOffGalreal4mag Mean r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header]
riRMSGalreal4mag Stddev of r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header]
nGuideint4  Number of guider camera frames taken during the exposure [from spPlate header]
seeing20real4  20th-percentile of seeing during exposure (arcsec) [from spPlate header]
seeing50real4  50th-percentile of seeing during exposure (arcsec) [from spPlate header]
seeing80real4  80th-percentile of seeing during exposure (arcsec) [from spPlate header]
rmsoff20real4  20th-percentile of RMS offset of guide fibers (arcsec) [from spPlate header]
rmsoff50real4  50th-percentile of RMS offset of guide fibers (arcsec) [from spPlate header]
rmsoff80real4  80th-percentile of RMS offset of guide fibers (arcsec) [from spPlate header]
airtempreal4deg Celsius Air temperature in the dome [from spPlate header]
sfd_usedtinyint1  Were the SFD dust maps applied to the output spectrum? (0 = no, 1 = yes)
xSigmareal4  sigma of gaussian fit to spatial profile[from spPlate header]
xSigMinreal4  minimum of xSigma for all exposures [from spPlate header]
xSigMaxreal4  maximum of xSigma for all exposures [from spPlate header]
wSigmareal4  sigma of gaussian fit to arc-line profiles in wavelength direction [from spPlate header]
wSigMinreal4  minimum of wSigma for all exposures [from spPlate header]
wSigMaxreal4  maximum of wSigma for all exposures [from spPlate header]
xChi2real4  [from spPlate header]
xChi2Minreal4  [from spPlate header]
xChi2Maxreal4  [from spPlate header]
skyChi2real4  average chi-squared from sky subtraction from all exposures [from spPlate header]
skyChi2Minreal4  minimum skyChi2 over all exposures [from spPlate header]
skyChi2Maxreal4  maximum skyChi2 over all exposures [from spPlate header]
fBadPixreal4  Fraction of pixels that are bad (total) [from spPlate header]
fBadPix1real4  Fraction of pixels that are bad (spectrograph #1) [from spPlate header]
fBadPix2real4  Fraction of pixels that are bad (spectrograph #2) [from spPlate header]
status2dvarchar32  Status of 2D extraction
statuscombinevarchar32  Status of combination of multiple MJDs
status1dvarchar32  Status of 1D reductions
nGalaxyreal4  Number of objects classified as galaxy [calculated from spZbest file]
nQSOreal4  Number of objects classified as QSO [calculated from spZbest file]
nStarreal4  Number of objects classified as Star [calculated from spZbest file]
nSkyreal4  Number of sky objects [calculated from spZbest file]
nUnknownreal4  Number of objects with zWarning set non-zero (such objects still classified as star, galaxy or QSO) [calculated from spZbest file]
isBesttinyint1  is this plateX entry the best observation of the plate
isPrimarytinyint1  is this plateX entry both good and the best observation of the plate
isTiletinyint1  is this plate the best representative of its tile (only set for "legacy" program plates)
hareal4degPOS_EQ_RAhour angle of design [from plPlugMapM file]
mjdDesignint4 MJDMJD designed for [from plPlugMapM file]
thetareal4 POS_POS-ANGcartridge position angle [from plPlugMapM file]
fscanVersionvarchar32  version of fiber scanning software [from plPlugMapM file]
fmapVersionvarchar32  version of fiber mapping software [from plPlugMapM file]
fscanModevarchar32  'slow', 'fast', or 'extreme' [from plPlugMapM file]
fscanSpeedint4  speed of scan [from plPlugMapM file]
htmIDbigint8  20 deep Hierarchical Triangular Mesh ID
loadVersionint4  Load Version