FUNCTION  fCosmoAgeOfUniverse

Returns the time interval between a particular redshift and the beginning of the universe.

  • @z float: redshift
  • @OmegaM float: matter density. If set as DEFAULT, then 0.27891507
  • @OmegaL float: dark energy density. If set as DEFAULT, then 0.721
  • @OmegaR float: radiation density. If set as DEFAULT, then 8.493e-5
  • @omega0 float: dark energy state equation. If set as DEFAULT, then -1
  • @h_0 float: (hubble constant[Km/s/MPc])/(100[Km/s/MPc]). If set as DEFAULT, then 0.701 Reference:
  • returns AgeOfUniverse float: age of the universe in GYr.
    select dbo.fCosmoAgeOfUniverse(0.1,0.27891507,0.721,8.493e-5,-1,0.701); select dbo.fCosmoAgeOfUniverse(0.1,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT)
    return 12.4160780396264 and 12.4160780396264
    see also fCosmoLookBackTime and fCosmoTimeInterval
  • Input and output parameters
