TABLE  sppTargets

Derived quantities calculated by the SEGUE-2 target selection pipeline.

There are one of these files per plate. The file has one HDU. That HDU has one row for every object in photoObjAll that is classified as a star inside a 94.4 arcmin radius of the center of the plate. The data for each object are elements of the photoObjAll, specObjAll, sppPrams and propermotions tables taken unaltered from the CAS and derived quantities calculated by the segue-2 target selection code. Appended to the end are the two target selection bitmasks, segue2_target1 and segue2_target2, as set by the target selection code.

Columns from OBJID through PSFMAGERR_:
These are taken directly from photoObjAll

Columns from PLATEID through SEGUE2_TARGET2:
These are taken from the specObjAll and sppParams tables for any objects in this file that have matches in that specObjAll. For objects without matches in specObjAll, values are set to -9999. The names from SpecObjAll are unchanged.

Columns from MATCH through DIST20:
These are taken from the propermotions table, the USNOB proper motions as recalibrated with the SDSS by Jeff Munn. For objects without matches in the ProperMotions table, values are set to -9999. The names are unchanged from the propermotions table.

Columns from uMAG0 through VTOT_GALRADREST:
These are the derived quanitites calculated by the procedure calderivedquantities in in the segue-2 target selection code. With the addition of these, this file contains all the quanitites that the selection code operates on when choosing targets.

Columns MG_TOHV through V1SIGMAERR_TOHV:
These were added for the November 2008 drilling run and after. The earlier files will be retrofit (eventually).

OBJIDbigint8  Object ID matching DR8
RUNbigint8  Run number
RERUNbigint8  Rerun number
CAMCOLbigint8  Camera column number
FIELDbigint8  Field number
OBJbigint8  Object
RAfloat8degree RA
DECfloat8degree Dec
Lfloat8degree Galactic longitude
Bfloat8degree Galactic latitude
FIBERMAG_ureal4mag u band fiber magnitudue
FIBERMAG_greal4mag g band fiber magnitudue
FIBERMAG_rreal4mag r band fiber magnitudue
FIBERMAG_ireal4mag i band fiber magnitudue
FIBERMAG_zreal4mag z band fiber magnitudue
PSFMAG_ureal4mag u band PSF magnitude
PSFMAG_greal4mag g band PSF magnitude
PSFMAG_rreal4mag r band PSF magnitude
PSFMAG_ireal4mag i band PSF magnitude
PSFMAG_zreal4mag z band PSF magnitude
EXTINCTION_ureal4mag u band extinction
EXTINCTION_greal4mag g band extinction
EXTINCTION_rreal4mag r band extinction
EXTINCTION_ireal4mag i band extinction
EXTINCTION_zreal4mag z band extinction
ROWCint4pix row centroid
COLCint4pix column centroid
TYPEint4  object type from photometric reductions
FLAGSbigint8  combined flags from all bands
FLAGS_ubigint8  u band flag
FLAGS_gbigint8  g band flag
FLAGS_rbigint8  r band flag
FLAGS_ibigint8  i band flag
FLAGS_zbigint8  z band flag
PSFMAGERR_ureal4mag Error in u band PSF magnitude
PSFMAGERR_greal4mag Error in u band PSF magnitude
PSFMAGERR_rreal4mag Error in u band PSF magnitude
PSFMAGERR_ireal4mag Error in u band PSF magnitude
PSFMAGERR_zreal4mag Error in u band PSF magnitude
PLATEIDbigint8  Hash of plate and MJD
SPECOBJIDbigint8  Spectroscopic object ID
PLATEbigint8  Plate number
MJDbigint8  Modified Julian Date
FIBERIDbigint8  Fiber number
ORIGINALPLATEIDbigint8  Original plate ID hash (if targeted based on previous spectrum)
ORIGINALSPECOBJIDbigint8  Original spectroscopic object ID (if targeted based on previous spectrum)
ORIGINALPLATEbigint8  Original plate number (if targeted based on previous spectrum)
ORIGINALMJDbigint8  Original Modified Julian Date (if targeted based on previous spectrum)
ORIGINALFIBERIDbigint8  Original fiber number (if targeted based on previous spectrum)(if targeted based on previous spectrum)
BESTOBJIDbigint8  Best object ID
TARGETOBJIDbigint8  Target object ID
PRIMTARGETint4  Primary target
SECTARGETint4  Secondary target
SEGUE1_TARGET1bigint8  SEGUE-1 target selection information at plate design, primary science selection
SEGUE1_TARGET2bigint8  SEGUE-1 target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calib selection
SEGUE2_TARGET1int4  bitmask that records the category or categories for which this object passed the selection criteria
SEGUE2_TARGET2int4  bitmask that records the category or categories of "standards" for the pipeline, special calibration targets like Stetson standards or globular cluster stars, for which this object passed the selection criteria
MATCHbigint8  ??
DELTAfloat8  ??
PMLfloat8mas/year? Proper motion in Galactic longitude?
PMBfloat8mas/year? Proper motion in Galactic latitude?
PMRAfloat8mas/year? Proper motion in RA
PMDECfloat8mas/year? Proper motion in DEC
PMRAERRfloat8mas/year? Proper motion error in RA
PMDECERRfloat8mas/year? Proper motion error in DEC
uMAG0real4mag u extinction-corrected (SFD 98) psf magnitude
gMAG0real4mag g extinction-corrected (SFD 98) psf magnitude
rMAG0real4mag r extinction-corrected (SFD 98) psf magnitude
iMAG0real4mag i extinction-corrected (SFD 98) psf magnitude
zMAG0real4mag z extinction-corrected (SFD 98) psf magnitude
umg0real4mag u-g, extinction corrected magnitudes
gmr0real4mag g-r, extinction corrected magnitudes
rmi0real4mag r-i, extinction corrected magnitudes
imz0real4mag i-z, extinction corrected magnitudes
gmi0real4mag g-i, extinction corrected magnitudes
umgERRreal4mag PSFMAGERR_u and PSFMAGERR_g added in quadrature
gmrERRreal4mag PSFMAGERR_g and PSFMAGERR_r added in quadrature
rmiERRreal4mag PSFMAGERR_r and PSFMAGERR_i added in quadrature
imzERRreal4mag PSFMAGERR_i and PSFMAGERR_z added in quadrature
PSFMAG_umgreal4mag psfmag_u-psfmag_g, no extinction correction
PSFMAG_gmrreal4mag psfmag_g-psfmag_r, no extinction correction
PSFMAG_rmireal4mag psfmag_r-psfmag_i, no extinction correction
PSFMAG_imzreal4mag psfmag_i-psfmag_z, no extinction correction
PSFMAG_gmireal4mag psfmag_g-psfmag_i, no extinction correction
lcolorreal4mag -0.436*uMag+1.129*gMag-0.119*rMag-0.574*iMag+0.1984 (Lenz et al.1998)
scolorreal4mag -0.249*uMag+0.794*gMag-0.555*rMag+0.234+0.011*p1s-0.010 (Helmi et al. 2003) used in SEGUE-1 target selection, unused in SEGUE-2
p1sreal4mag 0.91*umg+0.415*umg-1.280 (Helmi et al. 2003) used in SEGUE-1 target selection, unused in SEGUE-2
TOTALPMreal4mas/year sqrt(PMRA*PMRA+PMDEC*PMDEC), in mas/year
Hgreal4mag reduced proper motion, gMag+5*log10(TOTALPM/1000)+5
Mireal4mag 4.471+7.907*imz-0.837*imz*imz used in SEGUE-1 target selection, unused in SEGUE-2
DISTireal4mag 10^((iMag-Mi+5)/5.0) used in SEGUE-1 target selection, unused in SEGUE-2
Hrreal4mag reduced pm (uncorr r): PSFMAG_r+5*log10(TOTALPM/1000)+5
VMI_TRANS1real4mag V-I from VMAG_TRANS-(iMag-0.337*rmi-0.37)
VMI_TRANS2real4mag V-I from 0.877*gmr+0.358
VMAG_TRANSreal4mag V mag from gMag - 0.587*gmr -0.011
MV_TRANSreal4mag not stuffed
DISTV_KPCreal4kpc 10^(dmV/5.-2.) where VMAG_TRANS-(3.37*VMI_TRANS1+2.89)
VTRANS_GALRESTreal4km/s transvere velocity, km/s, derived from TOTALPM and DISTV_KPC, in a frame at rest w.r.t the Galaxy
MUTRANS_GALRADRESTreal4mas/year derived PM (mas/year) perpendicular to the Galactocentric radial vector, assuming all motion is along a Galactocentric radial vector, in a frame at rest w.r.t the Galaxy
MURAD_GALRADRESTreal4mas/year derived PM (mas/year) along the Galactocentric radial vector, assuming all motion is along a Galactocentric radial vector, in a frame at rest w.r.t the Galaxy
VTOT_GALRADRESTreal4km/s total velocioty, km/s, derived from TOTALPM and DISTV_KPC, in a frame at rest w.r.t the Galaxy
MG_TOHVreal4mag 5.7 + 10.0*(GMR - 0.375)
VTRANS_TOHVreal4km/s transverse velocity in Galactocentric coords, using the distance estimate from MG_TOHV which is appropriate for old stars near the MSTO and corrected for peculiar solar motion 16.6 km/s toward RA,Dec 267.5,28.1
PM1SIGMA_TOHVreal4mas/year Estimate of the 1-sigma error in total proper motion at this r magnitude. Formula is sqrt(4.56*4.56 + frate*2.30*2.30), where frate is 10^(0.4*(rMag-19.5)). The constants come from the Munn et al. 2004 (AJ, 127, 3034) paper describing the recalibration of USNOB with SDSS.
V1SIGMAERR_TOHVreal4km/s The corresponding 1-sigma error in the transverse velocity based on PM1SIGMA_TOHV and the the distance estimate using MG_TOHV
TARGET_VERSIONvarchar100  version of target used