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IQS/SQS Form Query User Guide
Use the IQS (SQS) to make intermediate-level queries on the DR8 CAS database for objects in the DR8 imaging (spectroscopic) sample.

Table of contents:

Parameters to Return

Which spectroscopic and/or imaging parameters do you want returned from your query?

Spectroscopy Parameters

Which spectroscopic parameters do you want returned from your query?
Useful spectroscopy parameter combinations:

none (IQS: none, SQS: plateid, mjd, fiberid)
minimal (plateid, mjd, fiberid)
typical (plateid, mjd, fiberid, z, z_err, z_conf, z_status, spec_cln, z_warnin, raObj, decObj)
radec (ra, dec)

Individual spectroscopy parameters (see also the spSpec Data Model):

specObjIDbigint8 ID_CATALOGUnique database ID based on PLATE, MJD, FIBERID, RUN2D
bestObjIDbigint8 ID_MAINObject ID of photoObj match (flux-based)
origObjIDbigint8 ID_MAINObject ID of photoObj match (position-based)
targetObjIDbigint8 ID_CATALOGObject ID of original target
plateIDbigint8  Database ID of Plate
sciencePrimarysmallint2  Best version of spectrum at this location (defines default view SpecObj)
legacyPrimarysmallint2  Best version of spectrum at this location, among Legacy plates
seguePrimarysmallint2  Best version of spectrum at this location, among SEGUE plates (defines default view SpecObj)
firstReleasevarchar32  Name of first release this object was associated with
surveyvarchar32  Survey name
programnamevarchar32  Program name
chunkvarchar32  Chunk name
platerunvarchar32  Plate drill run name
mjdint4days MJD of observation
platesmallint2  Plate number
fiberIDsmallint2  Fiber ID
run1dvarchar32  1D Reduction version of spectrum
run2dvarchar32  2D Reduction version of spectrum
tileint4  Tile number
designIDint4  Design ID number
primTargetLink to PrimTargetbigint8  target selection information at plate design, primary science selection (for backwards compatibility)
secTargetLink to SecTargetbigint8  target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calib selection (for backwards compatibility)
legacy_target1Link to PrimTargetbigint8  for Legacy program, target selection information at plate design, primary science selection
legacy_target2Link to SecTargetbigint8  for Legacy program, target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calib selection
special_target1Link to SpecialTarget1bigint8  for special programs, target selection information at plate design, primary science selection
special_target2Link to SecTargetbigint8  for special programs, target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calib selection
SEGUE1_target1Link to Segue1Target1bigint8  SEGUE-1 target selection information at plate design, primary science selection
SEGUE1_target2Link to SecTargetbigint8  SEGUE-1 target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calib selection
SEGUE2_target1Link to Segue2Target1bigint8  SEGUE-2 target selection information at plate design, primary science selection
SEGUE2_target2Link to SecTargetbigint8  SEGUE-2 target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calib selection
spectrographIDsmallint2  which spectrograph (1,2)
objTypeLink to ObjTypevarchar32  type of object targeted as
classvarchar32  Spectroscopic class (GALAXY, QSO, or STAR)
subClassvarchar32  Spectroscopic subclass
rafloat8deg Right ascension of fiber, J2000
decfloat8deg Declination of fiber, J2000
cxfloat8 POS_EQ_CART_Xx of Normal unit vector in J2000
cyfloat8 POS_EQ_CART_Yy of Normal unit vector in J2000
czfloat8 POS_EQ_CART_Zz of Normal unit vector in J2000
xFocalreal4mm X focal plane position (+RA direction)
yFocalreal4mm Y focal plane position (+Dec direction)
zreal4  Final Redshift
zErrreal4  Redshift error
rChi2real4  Reduced chi-squared of best fit
DOFreal4  Degrees of freedom in best fit
rChi2Diffreal4  Difference in reduced chi-squared between best and second best fit
tFilevarchar32  File name of best fit template source
tColumn_0smallint2  Which column of the template file corresponds to template #0
tColumn_1smallint2  Which column of the template file corresponds to template #1
tColumn_2smallint2  Which column of the template file corresponds to template #2
tColumn_3smallint2  Which column of the template file corresponds to template #3
tColumn_4smallint2  Which column of the template file corresponds to template #4
tColumn_5smallint2  Which column of the template file corresponds to template #5
tColumn_6smallint2  Which column of the template file corresponds to template #6
tColumn_7smallint2  Which column of the template file corresponds to template #7
tColumn_8smallint2  Which column of the template file corresponds to template #8
tColumn_9smallint2  Which column of the template file corresponds to template #9
nPolyreal4  Number of polynomial terms used in the fit
theta_0real4  Coefficient for template #0 of fit
theta_1real4  Coefficient for template #1 of fit
theta_2real4  Coefficient for template #2 of fit
theta_3real4  Coefficient for template #3 of fit
theta_4real4  Coefficient for template #4 of fit
theta_5real4  Coefficient for template #5 of fit
theta_6real4  Coefficient for template #6 of fit
theta_7real4  Coefficient for template #7 of fit
theta_8real4  Coefficient for template #8 of fit
theta_9real4  Coefficient for template #9 of fit
velDispreal4km/s Velocity dispersion
velDispErrreal4km/s Error in velocity dispersion
velDispZreal4  Redshift associated with best fit velocity dispersion
velDispZErrreal4  Error in redshift associated with best fit velocity dispersion
velDispChi2real4  Chi-squared associated with velocity dispersion fit
velDispNPixint4  Number of pixels overlapping best template in velocity dispersion fit
velDispDOFint4  Number of degrees of freedom in velocity dispersion fit
waveMinreal4Angstroms Minimum observed (vacuum) wavelength
waveMaxreal4Angstroms Maximum observed (vacuum) wavelength
wCoveragereal4  Coverage in wavelength, in units of log10 wavelength
zWarningLink to SpeczWarningint4  Bitmask of warning values; 0 means all is good
snMedianreal4  Median signal-to-noise over all good pixels
chi68preal4  68-th percentile value of abs(chi) of the best-fit synthetic spectrum to the actual spectrum (around 1.0 for a good fit)
fracNSigma_1real4  Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 1 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigma_2real4  Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 2 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigma_3real4  Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 3 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigma_4real4  Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 4 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigma_5real4  Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 5 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigma_6real4  Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 6 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigma_7real4  Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 7 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigma_8real4  Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 8 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigma_9real4  Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 9 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigma_10real4  Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 10 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigHi_1real4  Fraction of pixels high by more than 1 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigHi_2real4  Fraction of pixels high by more than 2 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigHi_3real4  Fraction of pixels high by more than 3 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigHi_4real4  Fraction of pixels high by more than 4 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigHi_5real4  Fraction of pixels high by more than 5 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigHi_6real4  Fraction of pixels high by more than 6 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigHi_7real4  Fraction of pixels high by more than 7 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigHi_8real4  Fraction of pixels high by more than 8 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigHi_9real4  Fraction of pixels high by more than 9 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigHi_10real4  Fraction of pixels high by more than 10 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigLo_1real4  Fraction of pixels low by more than 1 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigLo_2real4  Fraction of pixels low by more than 2 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigLo_3real4  Fraction of pixels low by more than 3 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigLo_4real4  Fraction of pixels low by more than 4 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigLo_5real4  Fraction of pixels low by more than 5 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigLo_6real4  Fraction of pixels low by more than 6 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigLo_7real4  Fraction of pixels low by more than 7 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigLo_8real4  Fraction of pixels low by more than 8 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigLo_9real4  Fraction of pixels low by more than 9 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigLo_10real4  Fraction of pixels low by more than 10 sigma relative to best-fit
spectroFlux_greal4nanomaggies Spectrum projected onto g filter
spectroFlux_rreal4nanomaggies Spectrum projected onto r filter
spectroFlux_ireal4nanomaggies Spectrum projected onto i filter
spectroSynFlux_greal4nanomaggies Best-fit template spectrum projected onto g filter
spectroSynFlux_rreal4nanomaggies Best-fit template spectrum projected onto r filter
spectroSynFlux_ireal4nanomaggies Best-fit template spectrum projected onto i filter
spectroFluxIvar_greal4nanomaggies Inverse variance of spectrum projected onto g filter
spectroFluxIvar_rreal4nanomaggies Inverse variance of spectrum projected onto r filter
spectroFluxIvar_ireal4nanomaggies Inverse variance of spectrum projected onto i filter
spectroSynFluxIvar_greal4nanomaggies Inverse variance of best-fit template spectrum projected onto g filter
spectroSynFluxIvar_rreal4nanomaggies Inverse variance of best-fit template spectrum projected onto r filter
spectroSynFluxIvar_ireal4nanomaggies Inverse variance of best-fit template spectrum projected onto i filter
spectroSkyFlux_greal4nanomaggies Sky spectrum projected onto g filter
spectroSkyFlux_rreal4nanomaggies Sky spectrum projected onto r filter
spectroSkyFlux_ireal4nanomaggies Sky spectrum projected onto i filter
anyAndMaskLink to PixMaskint4  for each bit, records whether any pixel in the spectrum has that bit set in its ANDMASK
anyOrMaskLink to PixMaskint4  for each bit, records whether any pixel in the spectrum has that bit set in its ORMASK
plateSn2real4  Overall signal to noise measure for plate
snTurnoffreal4  Signal to noise measure for MS turnoff stars on plate (-9999 if not appropriate)
sn1_greal4  (S/N)^2 at g=20.20 for spectrograph #1
sn1_rreal4  (S/N)^2 at r=20.25 for spectrograph #1
sn1_ireal4  (S/N)^2 at i=19.90 for spectrograph #1
sn2_greal4  (S/N)^2 at g=20.20 for spectrograph #2
sn2_rreal4  (S/N)^2 at r=20.25 for spectrograph #2
sn2_ireal4  (S/N)^2 at i=19.90 for spectrograph #2
elodieFileNamevarchar32  File name for best-fit Elodie star
elodieObjectvarchar32  Star name (mostly Henry Draper names)
elodieSpTypevarchar32  Spectral type
elodieBVreal4mag (B-V) color
elodieTEffreal4Kelvin Effective temperature
elodieLogGreal4  log10(gravity)
elodieFeHreal4  Metallicity ([Fe/H])
elodieZreal4  Redshift
elodieZErrreal4  Redshift error (negative for invalid fit)
elodieZModelErrreal4  Standard deviation in redshift among the 12 best-fit stars
elodieRChi2real4  Reduced chi^2
elodieDOFreal4  Degrees of freedom for fit
htmIDbigint8 CODE_HTM20 deep Hierarchical Triangular Mesh ID
loadVersionint4 ID_TRACERLoad Version
imgvarbinary-1 IMAGE?Spectrum Image

Imaging Parameters

Which imaging parameters do you want returned from your query?

Note: "Target Imaging" refers to the imaging data (run) and/or processing (rerun) combination used in selecting targets for spectroscopic followup; "Best Imaging" refers to the "latest and greatest" run/rerun combination and therefore generally supersedes the run/rerun combination of "Target Imaging".

Caveat: In rare instances the "Best Imaging" object matched to a spectrum may NOT correspond to the original "Target Imaging" object. For example, this may occur when there were deblending problems in the "Target Imaging", such as when a bright off-center HII region was targeted instead of the parent galaxy, and where that HII region is then properly treated in the "Best Imaging" and is no longer a cataloged object. When in doubt, please compare the magnitudes and coordinates of the "Target Imaging" and "Best Imaging" objects.

Useful imaging parameter combinations:

none (SQS: none, IQS: run, rerun, camcol, field, id)
minimal (run, rerun, camcol, field, id)
typical (run, rerun, camcol, field, id, objc_type, ra, decl, mag_model_r)
radec (ra, dec)
model_mags (mag_model_u, mag_model_g, mag_model_r, mag_model_i, mag_model_z)
model_magerrs (mag_modelerr_u, mag_modelerr_g, mag_modelerr_r, mag_modelerr_i, mag_modelerr_z)
psf_mags (psfmag_u, psfmag_g, psfmag_r, psfmag_i, psfmag_z)
psf_magerrs (psfmagerr_u, psfmagerr_g, psfmagerr_r, psfmagerr_i, psfmagerr_z)
petro_mags (petromag_u, petromag_g, petromag_r, petromag_i, petromag_z)
petro_magerrs (petromagerr_u, petromagerr_g, petromagerr_r, petromagerr_i, petromagerr_z)
model_colors (ugModelColor, grModelColor, riModelColor, izModelColor)
ugModelColor (mag_model_u-mag_model_g)
grModelColor (mag_model_g-mag_model_r)
riModelColor (mag_model_r-mag_model_i)
izModelColor (mag_model_i-mag_model_z)

The SDSSname parameter returns the official IAU SDSS designation for the object, in the format:

The SDSS name is generated with a call to the function fIAUFromEq.

Individual imaging parameters (see also the tsObj Data Model):

objIDbigint8  Unique SDSS identifier composed from [skyVersion,rerun,run,camcol,field,obj].
skyVersiontinyint1  Layer of catalog (currently only one layer, 0; 0-15 available)
runsmallint2  Run number
rerunsmallint2  Rerun number
camcoltinyint1  Camera column
fieldsmallint2  Field number
objsmallint2  The object id within a field. Usually changes between reruns of the same field
modeLink to PhotoModetinyint1  1: primary, 2: secondary, 3: other
nChildsmallint2  Number of children if this is a composite object that has been deblended. BRIGHT (in a flags sense) objects also have nchild == 1, the non-BRIGHT sibling.
typeLink to PhotoTypesmallint2  Type classification of the object (star, galaxy, cosmic ray, etc.)
cleanint4  Clean photometry flag (1=clean, 0=unclean).
probPSFreal4  Probability that the object is a star. Currently 0 if type == 3 (galaxy), 1 if type == 6 (star).
insideMaskLink to InsideMasktinyint1  Flag to indicate whether object is inside a mask and why
flagsLink to PhotoFlagsbigint8  Photo Object Attribute Flags
rowcreal4pix Row center position (r-band coordinates)
rowcErrreal4pix Row center position error (r-band coordinates)
colcreal4pix Column center position (r-band coordinates)
colcErrreal4pix Column center position error (r-band coordinates)
rowvreal4deg/day Row-component of object's velocity
rowvErrreal4deg/day Row-component of object's velocity error
colvreal4deg/day Column-component of object's velocity
colvErrreal4deg/day Column-component of object's velocity error
rowc_ureal4pix Row center, u-band
rowc_greal4pix Row center, g-band
rowc_rreal4pix Row center, r-band
rowc_ireal4pix Row center, i-band
rowc_zreal4pix Row center, z-band
rowcErr_ureal4pix ERROR Row center error, u-band
rowcErr_greal4pix ERROR Row center error, g-band
rowcErr_rreal4pix ERROR Row center error, r-band
rowcErr_ireal4pix ERROR Row center error, i-band
rowcErr_zreal4pix ERROR Row center error, z-band
colc_ureal4pix Column center, u-band
colc_greal4pix Column center, g-band
colc_rreal4pix Column center, r-band
colc_ireal4pix Column center, i-band
colc_zreal4pix Column center, z-band
colcErr_ureal4pix Column center error, u-band
colcErr_greal4pix Column center error, g-band
colcErr_rreal4pix Column center error, r-band
colcErr_ireal4pix Column center error, i-band
colcErr_zreal4pix Column center error, z-band
sky_ureal4nanomaggies/arcsec^2 Sky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended).
sky_greal4nanomaggies/arcsec^2 Sky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended).
sky_rreal4nanomaggies/arcsec^2 Sky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended).
sky_ireal4nanomaggies/arcsec^2 Sky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended).
sky_zreal4nanomaggies/arcsec^2 Sky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended).
skyIvar_ureal4nanomaggies/arcsec^2 Sky flux inverse variance
skyIvar_greal4nanomaggies/arcsec^2 Sky flux inverse variance
skyIvar_rreal4nanomaggies/arcsec^2 Sky flux inverse variance
skyIvar_ireal4nanomaggies/arcsec^2 Sky flux inverse variance
skyIvar_zreal4nanomaggies/arcsec^2 Sky flux inverse variance
psfMag_ureal4mag PSF magnitude
psfMag_greal4mag PSF magnitude
psfMag_rreal4mag PSF magnitude
psfMag_ireal4mag PSF magnitude
psfMag_zreal4mag PSF magnitude
psfMagErr_ureal4mag PSF magnitude error
psfMagErr_greal4mag PSF magnitude error
psfMagErr_rreal4mag PSF magnitude error
psfMagErr_ireal4mag PSF magnitude error
psfMagErr_zreal4mag PSF magnitude error
fiberMag_ureal4mag Magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMag_greal4mag Magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMag_rreal4mag Magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMag_ireal4mag Magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMag_zreal4mag Magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMagErr_ureal4mag Error in magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMagErr_greal4mag Error in magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMagErr_rreal4mag Error in magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMagErr_ireal4mag Error in magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMagErr_zreal4mag Error in magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2Mag_ureal4mag Magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2Mag_greal4mag Magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2Mag_rreal4mag Magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2Mag_ireal4mag Magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2Mag_zreal4mag Magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2MagErr_ureal4mag Error in magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2MagErr_greal4mag Error in magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2MagErr_rreal4mag Error in magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2MagErr_ireal4mag Error in magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2MagErr_zreal4mag Error in magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
petroMag_ureal4mag Petrosian magnitude
petroMag_greal4mag Petrosian magnitude
petroMag_rreal4mag Petrosian magnitude
petroMag_ireal4mag Petrosian magnitude
petroMag_zreal4mag Petrosian magnitude
petroMagErr_ureal4mag Petrosian magnitude error
petroMagErr_greal4mag Petrosian magnitude error
petroMagErr_rreal4mag Petrosian magnitude error
petroMagErr_ireal4mag Petrosian magnitude error
petroMagErr_zreal4mag Petrosian magnitude error
psfFlux_ureal4nanomaggies PSF flux
psfFlux_greal4nanomaggies PSF flux
psfFlux_rreal4nanomaggies PSF flux
psfFlux_ireal4nanomaggies PSF flux
psfFlux_zreal4nanomaggies PSF flux
psfFluxIvar_ureal4nanomaggies^{-2} PSF flux inverse variance
psfFluxIvar_greal4nanomaggies^{-2} PSF flux inverse variance
psfFluxIvar_rreal4nanomaggies^{-2} PSF flux inverse variance
psfFluxIvar_ireal4nanomaggies^{-2} PSF flux inverse variance
psfFluxIvar_zreal4nanomaggies^{-2} PSF flux inverse variance
fiberFlux_ureal4nanomaggies Flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberFlux_greal4nanomaggies Flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberFlux_rreal4nanomaggies Flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberFlux_ireal4nanomaggies Flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberFlux_zreal4nanomaggies Flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberFluxIvar_ureal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberFluxIvar_greal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberFluxIvar_rreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberFluxIvar_ireal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberFluxIvar_zreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2Flux_ureal4nanomaggies Flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2Flux_greal4nanomaggies Flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2Flux_rreal4nanomaggies Flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2Flux_ireal4nanomaggies Flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2Flux_zreal4nanomaggies Flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2FluxIvar_ureal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2FluxIvar_greal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2FluxIvar_rreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2FluxIvar_ireal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2FluxIvar_zreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
petroFlux_ureal4nanomaggies Petrosian flux
petroFlux_greal4nanomaggies Petrosian flux
petroFlux_rreal4nanomaggies Petrosian flux
petroFlux_ireal4nanomaggies Petrosian flux
petroFlux_zreal4nanomaggies Petrosian flux
petroFluxIvar_ureal4nanomaggies^{-2} Petrosian flux inverse variance
petroFluxIvar_greal4nanomaggies^{-2} Petrosian flux inverse variance
petroFluxIvar_rreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Petrosian flux inverse variance
petroFluxIvar_ireal4nanomaggies^{-2} Petrosian flux inverse variance
petroFluxIvar_zreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Petrosian flux inverse variance
petroRad_ureal4arcsec Petrosian radius
petroRad_greal4arcsec Petrosian radius
petroRad_rreal4arcsec Petrosian radius
petroRad_ireal4arcsec Petrosian radius
petroRad_zreal4arcsec Petrosian radius
petroRadErr_ureal4arcsec Petrosian radius error
petroRadErr_greal4arcsec Petrosian radius error
petroRadErr_rreal4arcsec Petrosian radius error
petroRadErr_ireal4arcsec Petrosian radius error
petroRadErr_zreal4arcsec Petrosian radius error
petroR50_ureal4arcsec Radius containing 50% of Petrosian flux
petroR50_greal4arcsec Radius containing 50% of Petrosian flux
petroR50_rreal4arcsec Radius containing 50% of Petrosian flux
petroR50_ireal4arcsec Radius containing 50% of Petrosian flux
petroR50_zreal4arcsec Radius containing 50% of Petrosian flux
petroR50Err_ureal4arcsec Error in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux error
petroR50Err_greal4arcsec Error in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux error
petroR50Err_rreal4arcsec Error in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux error
petroR50Err_ireal4arcsec Error in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux error
petroR50Err_zreal4arcsec Error in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux error
petroR90_ureal4arcsec Radius containing 90% of Petrosian flux
petroR90_greal4arcsec Radius containing 90% of Petrosian flux
petroR90_rreal4arcsec Radius containing 90% of Petrosian flux
petroR90_ireal4arcsec Radius containing 90% of Petrosian flux
petroR90_zreal4arcsec Radius containing 90% of Petrosian flux
petroR90Err_ureal4arcsec Error in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux error
petroR90Err_greal4arcsec Error in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux error
petroR90Err_rreal4arcsec Error in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux error
petroR90Err_ireal4arcsec Error in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux error
petroR90Err_zreal4arcsec Error in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux error
q_ureal4  Stokes Q parameter
q_greal4  Stokes Q parameter
q_rreal4  Stokes Q parameter
q_ireal4  Stokes Q parameter
q_zreal4  Stokes Q parameter
qErr_ureal4  Stokes Q parameter error
qErr_greal4  Stokes Q parameter error
qErr_rreal4  Stokes Q parameter error
qErr_ireal4  Stokes Q parameter error
qErr_zreal4  Stokes Q parameter error
u_ureal4  Stokes U parameter
u_greal4  Stokes U parameter
u_rreal4  Stokes U parameter
u_ireal4  Stokes U parameter
u_zreal4  Stokes U parameter
uErr_ureal4  Stokes U parameter error
uErr_greal4  Stokes U parameter error
uErr_rreal4  Stokes U parameter error
uErr_ireal4  Stokes U parameter error
uErr_zreal4  Stokes U parameter error
mE1_ureal4  Adaptive E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1_greal4  Adaptive E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1_rreal4  Adaptive E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1_ireal4  Adaptive E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1_zreal4  Adaptive E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE2_ureal4  Adaptive E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE2_greal4  Adaptive E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE2_rreal4  Adaptive E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE2_ireal4  Adaptive E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE2_zreal4  Adaptive E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1E1Err_ureal4  Covariance in E1/E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1E1Err_greal4  Covariance in E1/E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1E1Err_rreal4  Covariance in E1/E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1E1Err_ireal4  Covariance in E1/E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1E1Err_zreal4  Covariance in E1/E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1E2Err_ureal4  Covariance in E1/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1E2Err_greal4  Covariance in E1/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1E2Err_rreal4  Covariance in E1/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1E2Err_ireal4  Covariance in E1/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1E2Err_zreal4  Covariance in E1/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE2E2Err_ureal4  Covariance in E2/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE2E2Err_greal4  Covariance in E2/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE2E2Err_rreal4  Covariance in E2/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE2E2Err_ireal4  Covariance in E2/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE2E2Err_zreal4  Covariance in E2/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mRrCc_ureal4  Adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)
mRrCc_greal4  Adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)
mRrCc_rreal4  Adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)
mRrCc_ireal4  Adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)
mRrCc_zreal4  Adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)
mRrCcErr_ureal4  Error in adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)
mRrCcErr_greal4  Error in adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)
mRrCcErr_rreal4  Error in adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)
mRrCcErr_ireal4  Error in adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)
mRrCcErr_zreal4  Error in adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)
mCr4_ureal4  Adaptive fourth moment of object (pixel coordinates)
mCr4_greal4  Adaptive fourth moment of object (pixel coordinates)
mCr4_rreal4  Adaptive fourth moment of object (pixel coordinates)
mCr4_ireal4  Adaptive fourth moment of object (pixel coordinates)
mCr4_zreal4  Adaptive fourth moment of object (pixel coordinates)
mE1PSF_ureal4  Adaptive E1 for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mE1PSF_greal4  Adaptive E1 for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mE1PSF_rreal4  Adaptive E1 for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mE1PSF_ireal4  Adaptive E1 for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mE1PSF_zreal4  Adaptive E1 for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mE2PSF_ureal4  Adaptive E2 for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mE2PSF_greal4  Adaptive E2 for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mE2PSF_rreal4  Adaptive E2 for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mE2PSF_ireal4  Adaptive E2 for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mE2PSF_zreal4  Adaptive E2 for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mRrCcPSF_ureal4  Adaptive ( + ) for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mRrCcPSF_greal4  Adaptive ( + ) for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mRrCcPSF_rreal4  Adaptive ( + ) for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mRrCcPSF_ireal4  Adaptive ( + ) for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mRrCcPSF_zreal4  Adaptive ( + ) for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mCr4PSF_ureal4  Adaptive fourth moment for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mCr4PSF_greal4  Adaptive fourth moment for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mCr4PSF_rreal4  Adaptive fourth moment for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mCr4PSF_ireal4  Adaptive fourth moment for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mCr4PSF_zreal4  Adaptive fourth moment for PSF (pixel coordinates)
deVRad_ureal4arcsec de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius
deVRad_greal4arcsec de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius
deVRad_rreal4arcsec de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius
deVRad_ireal4arcsec de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius
deVRad_zreal4arcsec de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius
deVRadErr_ureal4arcsec Error in de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius error
deVRadErr_greal4arcsec Error in de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius error
deVRadErr_rreal4arcsec Error in de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius error
deVRadErr_ireal4arcsec Error in de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius error
deVRadErr_zreal4arcsec Error in de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius error
deVAB_ureal4  de Vaucouleurs fit a/b
deVAB_greal4  de Vaucouleurs fit a/b
deVAB_rreal4  de Vaucouleurs fit a/b
deVAB_ireal4  de Vaucouleurs fit a/b
deVAB_zreal4  de Vaucouleurs fit a/b
deVABErr_ureal4  de Vaucouleurs fit a/b error
deVABErr_greal4  de Vaucouleurs fit a/b error
deVABErr_rreal4  de Vaucouleurs fit a/b error
deVABErr_ireal4  de Vaucouleurs fit a/b error
deVABErr_zreal4  de Vaucouleurs fit a/b error
deVPhi_ureal4de Vaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E) deg
deVPhi_greal4de Vaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E) deg
deVPhi_rreal4de Vaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E) deg
deVPhi_ireal4de Vaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E) deg
deVPhi_zreal4de Vaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E) deg
deVMag_ureal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit mag
deVMag_greal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit mag
deVMag_rreal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit mag
deVMag_ireal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit mag
deVMag_zreal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit mag
deVMagErr_ureal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error mag
deVMagErr_greal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error mag
deVMagErr_rreal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error mag
deVMagErr_ireal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error mag
deVMagErr_zreal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error mag
deVFlux_ureal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit nanomaggies
deVFlux_greal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit nanomaggies
deVFlux_rreal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit nanomaggies
deVFlux_ireal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit nanomaggies
deVFlux_zreal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit nanomaggies
deVFluxIvar_ureal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit inverse variance nanomaggies^{-2}
deVFluxIvar_greal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit inverse variance nanomaggies^{-2}
deVFluxIvar_rreal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit inverse variance nanomaggies^{-2}
deVFluxIvar_ireal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit inverse variance nanomaggies^{-2}
deVFluxIvar_zreal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit inverse variance nanomaggies^{-2}
expRad_ureal4arcsec Exponential fit scale radius
expRad_greal4arcsec Exponential fit scale radius
expRad_rreal4arcsec Exponential fit scale radius
expRad_ireal4arcsec Exponential fit scale radius
expRad_zreal4arcsec Exponential fit scale radius
expRadErr_ureal4arcsec Exponential fit scale radius error
expRadErr_greal4arcsec Exponential fit scale radius error
expRadErr_rreal4arcsec Exponential fit scale radius error
expRadErr_ireal4arcsec Exponential fit scale radius error
expRadErr_zreal4arcsec Exponential fit scale radius error
expAB_ureal4  Exponential fit a/b
expAB_greal4  Exponential fit a/b
expAB_rreal4  Exponential fit a/b
expAB_ireal4  Exponential fit a/b
expAB_zreal4  Exponential fit a/b
expABErr_ureal4  Exponential fit a/b
expABErr_greal4  Exponential fit a/b
expABErr_rreal4  Exponential fit a/b
expABErr_ireal4  Exponential fit a/b
expABErr_zreal4  Exponential fit a/b
expPhi_ureal4deg Exponential fit position angle (+N thru E)
expPhi_greal4deg Exponential fit position angle (+N thru E)
expPhi_rreal4deg Exponential fit position angle (+N thru E)
expPhi_ireal4deg Exponential fit position angle (+N thru E)
expPhi_zreal4deg Exponential fit position angle (+N thru E)
expMag_ureal4mag Exponential fit magnitude
expMag_greal4mag Exponential fit magnitude
expMag_rreal4mag Exponential fit magnitude
expMag_ireal4mag Exponential fit magnitude
expMag_zreal4mag Exponential fit magnitude
expMagErr_ureal4mag Exponential fit magnitude error
expMagErr_greal4mag Exponential fit magnitude error
expMagErr_rreal4mag Exponential fit magnitude error
expMagErr_ireal4mag Exponential fit magnitude error
expMagErr_zreal4mag Exponential fit magnitude error
modelMag_ureal4mag better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMag_greal4mag better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMag_rreal4mag better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMag_ireal4mag better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMag_zreal4mag better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMagErr_ureal4mag Error in better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMagErr_greal4mag Error in better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMagErr_rreal4mag Error in better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMagErr_ireal4mag Error in better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMagErr_zreal4mag Error in better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
cModelMag_ureal4mag DeV+Exp magnitude
cModelMag_greal4mag DeV+Exp magnitude
cModelMag_rreal4mag DeV+Exp magnitude
cModelMag_ireal4mag DeV+Exp magnitude
cModelMag_zreal4mag DeV+Exp magnitude
cModelMagErr_ureal4mag DeV+Exp magnitude error
cModelMagErr_greal4mag DeV+Exp magnitude error
cModelMagErr_rreal4mag DeV+Exp magnitude error
cModelMagErr_ireal4mag DeV+Exp magnitude error
cModelMagErr_zreal4mag DeV+Exp magnitude error
expFlux_ureal4nanomaggies Exponential fit flux
expFlux_greal4nanomaggies Exponential fit flux
expFlux_rreal4nanomaggies Exponential fit flux
expFlux_ireal4nanomaggies Exponential fit flux
expFlux_zreal4nanomaggies Exponential fit flux
expFluxIvar_ureal4nanomaggies^{-2} Exponential fit flux inverse variance
expFluxIvar_greal4nanomaggies^{-2} Exponential fit flux inverse variance
expFluxIvar_rreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Exponential fit flux inverse variance
expFluxIvar_ireal4nanomaggies^{-2} Exponential fit flux inverse variance
expFluxIvar_zreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Exponential fit flux inverse variance
modelFlux_ureal4nanomaggies better of DeV/Exp flux fit
modelFlux_greal4nanomaggies better of DeV/Exp flux fit
modelFlux_rreal4nanomaggies better of DeV/Exp flux fit
modelFlux_ireal4nanomaggies better of DeV/Exp flux fit
modelFlux_zreal4nanomaggies better of DeV/Exp flux fit
modelFluxIvar_ureal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in better of DeV/Exp flux fit
modelFluxIvar_greal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in better of DeV/Exp flux fit
modelFluxIvar_rreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in better of DeV/Exp flux fit
modelFluxIvar_ireal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in better of DeV/Exp flux fit
modelFluxIvar_zreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in better of DeV/Exp flux fit
cModelFlux_ureal4nanomaggies better of DeV+Exp flux
cModelFlux_greal4nanomaggies better of DeV+Exp flux
cModelFlux_rreal4nanomaggies better of DeV+Exp flux
cModelFlux_ireal4nanomaggies better of DeV+Exp flux
cModelFlux_zreal4nanomaggies better of DeV+Exp flux
cModelFluxIvar_ureal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in DeV+Exp flux fit
cModelFluxIvar_greal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in DeV+Exp flux fit
cModelFluxIvar_rreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in DeV+Exp flux fit
cModelFluxIvar_ireal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in DeV+Exp flux fit
cModelFluxIvar_zreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in DeV+Exp flux fit
aperFlux7_ureal4nanomaggies Aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec
aperFlux7_greal4nanomaggies Aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec
aperFlux7_rreal4nanomaggies Aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec
aperFlux7_ireal4nanomaggies Aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec
aperFlux7_zreal4nanomaggies Aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec
aperFlux7Ivar_ureal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance of aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec
aperFlux7Ivar_greal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance of aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec
aperFlux7Ivar_rreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance of aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec
aperFlux7Ivar_ireal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance of aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec
aperFlux7Ivar_zreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance of aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec
lnLStar_ureal4  Star ln(likelihood)
lnLStar_greal4  Star ln(likelihood)
lnLStar_rreal4  Star ln(likelihood)
lnLStar_ireal4  Star ln(likelihood)
lnLStar_zreal4  Star ln(likelihood)
lnLExp_ureal4  Exponential disk fit ln(likelihood)
lnLExp_greal4  Exponential disk fit ln(likelihood)
lnLExp_rreal4  Exponential disk fit ln(likelihood)
lnLExp_ireal4  Exponential disk fit ln(likelihood)
lnLExp_zreal4  Exponential disk fit ln(likelihood)
lnLDeV_ureal4  de Vaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood)
lnLDeV_greal4  de Vaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood)
lnLDeV_rreal4  de Vaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood)
lnLDeV_ireal4  de Vaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood)
lnLDeV_zreal4  de Vaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood)
fracDeV_ureal4  Weight of deV component in deV+Exp model
fracDeV_greal4  Weight of deV component in deV+Exp model
fracDeV_rreal4  Weight of deV component in deV+Exp model
fracDeV_ireal4  Weight of deV component in deV+Exp model
fracDeV_zreal4  Weight of deV component in deV+Exp model
flags_ubigint8  Object detection flags per band
flags_gbigint8  Object detection flags per band
flags_rbigint8  Object detection flags per band
flags_ibigint8  Object detection flags per band
flags_zbigint8  Object detection flags per band
type_uint4  Object type classification per band
type_gint4  Object type classification per band
type_rint4  Object type classification per band
type_iint4  Object type classification per band
type_zint4  Object type classification per band
probPSF_ureal4  Probablity object is a star in each filter.
probPSF_greal4  Probablity object is a star in each filter.
probPSF_rreal4  Probablity object is a star in each filter.
probPSF_ireal4  Probablity object is a star in each filter.
probPSF_zreal4  Probablity object is a star in each filter.
rafloat8deg J2000 Right Ascension (r-band)
decfloat8deg J2000 Declination (r-band)
cxfloat8  unit vector for ra+dec
cyfloat8  unit vector for ra+dec
czfloat8  unit vector for ra+dec
raErrfloat8arcsec Error in RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units)
decErrfloat8arcsec Error in Dec
bfloat8deg Galactic latitude
lfloat8deg Galactic longitude
offsetRa_ureal4arcsec filter position RA minus final RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units)
offsetRa_greal4arcsec filter position RA minus final RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units)
offsetRa_rreal4arcsec filter position RA minus final RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units)
offsetRa_ireal4arcsec filter position RA minus final RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units)
offsetRa_zreal4arcsec filter position RA minus final RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units)
offsetDec_ureal4arcsec filter position Dec minus final Dec
offsetDec_greal4arcsec filter position Dec minus final Dec
offsetDec_rreal4arcsec filter position Dec minus final Dec
offsetDec_ireal4arcsec filter position Dec minus final Dec
offsetDec_zreal4arcsec filter position Dec minus final Dec
extinction_ureal4mag Extinction in u-band
extinction_greal4mag Extinction in g-band
extinction_rreal4mag Extinction in r-band
extinction_ireal4mag Extinction in i-band
extinction_zreal4mag Extinction in z-band
psffwhm_ureal4arcsec FWHM in u-band
psffwhm_greal4arcsec FWHM in g-band
psffwhm_rreal4arcsec FWHM in r-band
psffwhm_ireal4arcsec FWHM in i-band
psffwhm_zreal4arcsec FWHM in z-band
mjdint4days Date of observation
airmass_ureal4  Airmass at time of observation in u-band
airmass_greal4  Airmass at time of observation in g-band
airmass_rreal4  Airmass at time of observation in r-band
airmass_ireal4  Airmass at time of observation in i-band
airmass_zreal4  Airmass at time of observation in z-band
phioffset_ureal4deg Degrees to add to CCD-aligned angle to convert to E of N
phioffset_greal4deg Degrees to add to CCD-aligned angle to convert to E of N
phioffset_rreal4deg Degrees to add to CCD-aligned angle to convert to E of N
phioffset_ireal4deg Degrees to add to CCD-aligned angle to convert to E of N
phioffset_zreal4deg Degrees to add to CCD-aligned angle to convert to E of N
nProf_uint4  Number of Profile Bins
nProf_gint4  Number of Profile Bins
nProf_rint4  Number of Profile Bins
nProf_iint4  Number of Profile Bins
nProf_zint4  Number of Profile Bins
loadVersionint4  Load Version
htmIDbigint8  20-deep hierarchical trangular mesh ID of this object
fieldIDbigint8  Link to the field this object is in
parentIDbigint8  Pointer to parent (if object deblended) or BRIGHT detection (if object has one), else 0
specObjIDbigint8  Pointer to the spectrum of object, if exists, else 0
ureal4mag Shorthand alias for modelMag
greal4mag Shorthand alias for modelMag
rreal4mag Shorthand alias for modelMag
ireal4mag Shorthand alias for modelMag
zreal4mag Shorthand alias for modelMag
err_ureal4mag Error in modelMag alias
err_greal4mag Error in modelMag alias
err_rreal4mag Error in modelMag alias
err_ireal4mag Error in modelMag alias
err_zreal4mag Error in modelMag alias
dered_ureal4mag Simplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinction
dered_greal4mag Simplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinction
dered_rreal4mag Simplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinction
dered_ireal4mag Simplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinction
dered_zreal4mag Simplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinction
cloudCam_uint4  Cloud camera status for observation in u-band
cloudCam_gint4  Cloud camera status for observation in g-band
cloudCam_rint4  Cloud camera status for observation in r-band
cloudCam_iint4  Cloud camera status for observation in i-band
cloudCam_zint4  Cloud camera status for observation in z-band
resolveStatusLink to ResolveStatusint4  Resolve status of object
thingIdint4  Unique identifier from global resolve
balkanIdint4  What balkan object is in from window
nObserveint4  Number of observations of this object
nDetectint4  Number of detections of this object
nEdgeint4  Number of observations of this object near an edge
scorereal4  Quality of field (0-1)
calibStatus_uLink to CalibStatusint4  Calibration status in u-band
calibStatus_gLink to CalibStatusint4  Calibration status in g-band
calibStatus_rLink to CalibStatusint4  Calibration status in r-band
calibStatus_iLink to CalibStatusint4  Calibration status in i-band
calibStatus_zLink to CalibStatusint4  Calibration status in z-band
nMgyPerCount_ureal4nmgy/count nanomaggies per count in u-band
nMgyPerCount_greal4nmgy/count nanomaggies per count in g-band
nMgyPerCount_rreal4nmgy/count nanomaggies per count in r-band
nMgyPerCount_ireal4nmgy/count nanomaggies per count in i-band
nMgyPerCount_zreal4nmgy/count nanomaggies per count in z-band
TAI_ufloat8sec time of observation (TAI) in each filter
TAI_gfloat8sec time of observation (TAI) in each filter
TAI_rfloat8sec time of observation (TAI) in each filter
TAI_ifloat8sec time of observation (TAI) in each filter
TAI_zfloat8sec time of observation (TAI) in each filter

Getting FITS files from the SAS (Science Archive Server)

After you press Submit, the page that displays the results of the query will include the appropriate button(s) to upload the results of the query to the SAS to retrieve the corresponding raw FITS file data. If you only request imaging data and include the columns run, rerun, camcol, and field (these are included in the minimal and typical column lists), then the Upload list of fields to SAS button will be displayed on the results page (below the query results table). If you request spectroscopic data, and include the columns plate, mjd and fiberid in the output (included in the minimal and typical column lists), then the Upload list of spectra to SAS button will be displayed on the results page so you can retrieve FITS files for the spectra.

Position Constraints

Which positional constraints (if any) do you want applied to your query?

Rectangular Search

Do you wish to search a rectangular box in ra and dec?

Valid formats (J2000):

  • raMin/raMax in decimal degrees (D.ddddd) or in sexagesimal hours, minutes, seconds ( or HH MM
  • decMin/decMax in decimal degrees (+/-DD.ddddd) or in sexagesimal degrees, arcminutes, arcseconds (+/-DD:MM:SS.s or +/-DD MM SS.s)

Cone Search

Do you wish to search a circle on the sky centered on a single ra and dec?

For a given RA and DEC, the cone search returns all objects within the search radius that meet your search constraints.

Valid formats (J2000):

  • raCenter in decimal degrees (D.ddddd) or in sexagesimal hours, minutes, seconds ( or HH MM
  • decCenter in decimal degrees (+/-DD.ddddd) or in sexagesimal degrees, arcminutes, arcseconds (+/-DD:MM:SS.s or +/-DD MM SS.s)
  • radius in decimal arcminutes (M.mmm)

Proximity Search

Do you want to search the proximities for a list of ra's and dec's?

Proximity Search allows you to enter a list of RA/Dec positions and find objects near those positions. For each RA and Dec you enter, the proximity search returns objects within the specified search radius that meet your search constraints.

The list can be either entered directly into the box or uploaded as a file. In either case, the positions must be of the form:

ra dec [sep]

with each item separated by a comma or space. The first two numbers, "ra" and "dec," are requried - these are the sky positions (J2000) around which to search. The third, "sep," is optional - it is the separation distance or seach radius, in arcminutes, around which to search. If you do not enter a value for "sep," the default is 1 arcminute.

Valid formats for positions are:  

  • ra in decimal degrees (D.ddddd); or in sexagesimal hours, minutes, seconds ( or HH MM  
  • dec in decimal degrees (+/-DD.ddddd); or in sexagesimal degrees, arcminutes, arcseconds (+/-DD:MM:SS.s or +/-DD MM SS.s) 
  • sep in decimal arcminutes (S.ssss...)

"Nearest Only" returns only one match for each position you enter - the sky object meeting your search criteria that is nearest to the position you entered.

"All Nearby" returns all objects meeting your criteria within your search radius.

That means that "Nearest Only" only will return at most one match for each position you entered; "All Nearby" could return many matches for each position.

No Position Constraint

Do you want to apply no positional constraints in your query?
CAVEAT EMPTOR: This will result in a search over the entire database, which will probably take a very long time to finish (and slow other users down). Please be sure that this is what you want to do, or at least select a limited number of objects to return.

Spectroscopy Constraints

Which spectroscopic constraints (if any) do you want applied to your query?


Do you want to search over a given range in redshift?

Redshifts less than zero are possible (e.g., for stars), as are redshifts greater than 5 (some QSOs, but also objects with poorly measured redshifts). The "Redshift warning flags" toggle allows you to remove the constraint that there should be no redshift warnings (default). Uncheck this if you want to allow spectra that have redshifts with warnings associated with them. The warning flags are encoded as bits in the zWarning column in the SpecObjAll table.

Spectral Classification

What type of objects (as automatically classified by their spectra) do you want returned from your query?

The options are:

No parameters


Which type of objects do you want returned from your query? (Here, the object type is from the spectroscopic target selection algorithms, where the objects have been classified photometrically or by matchup with other catalogs.) (primary target categories)

The primTarget field is a bit mask specifying which primary target categories the object was selected in. If you select one or more bits in the At least one of these bits ON menu, then the bit-wise OR of each of those bits is computed and it must be greater than 0. If you select one or more of the bits in the All of these bits OFF menu, then the bit-wise AND of all those bits is computed and it must be equal to 0.

The bits are defined as:

QSO_HIZ0x00000001High-redshift (griz) QSO target
QSO_CAP0x00000002ugri-selected quasar at high Galactic latitude
QSO_SKIRT0x00000004ugri-selected quasar at low Galactic latitude
QSO_FIRST_CAP0x00000008FIRST source with stellar colors at high Galactic latitude
QSO_FIRST_SKIRT0x00000010FIRST source with stellar colors at low Galactic latitude
GALAXY_RED0x00000020Luminous Red Galaxy target (any criteria)
GALAXY0x00000040Main sample galaxy
GALAXY_BIG0x00000080Low-surface brightness main sample galaxy (mu50>23 in r-band)
GALAXY_BRIGHT_CORE0x00000100Galaxy targets who fail all the surface brightness selection limits but have r-band fiber magnitudes brighter than 19
ROSAT_A0x00000200ROSAT All-Sky Survey match, also a radio source
ROSAT_B0x00000400ROSAT All-Sky Survey match, have SDSS colors of AGNs or quasars
ROSAT_C0x00000800ROSAT All-Sky Survey match, fall in a broad intermediate category that includes stars that are bright, moderately blue, or both
ROSAT_D0x00001000ROSAT All-Sky Survey match, are otherwise bright enough for SDSS spectroscopy
STAR_BHB0x00002000blue horizontal-branch stars
STAR_CARBON0x00004000dwarf and giant carbon stars
STAR_BROWN_DWARF0x00008000brown dwarfs (note this sample is tiled)
STAR_SUB_DWARF0x00010000low-luminosity subdwarfs
STAR_CATY_VAR0x00020000cataclysmic variables
STAR_RED_DWARF0x00040000red dwarfs
STAR_WHITE_DWARF0x00080000hot white dwarfs
SERENDIP_BLUE0x00100000lying outside the stellar locus in color space
SERENDIP_FIRST0x00200000coincident with FIRST sources but fainter than the equivalent in quasar target selection (also includes non-PSF sources
SERENDIP_RED0x00400000lying outside the stellar locus in color space
SERENDIP_DISTANT0x00800000lying outside the stellar locus in color space
SERENDIP_MANUAL0x01000000manual serendipity flag
QSO_FAINT0x02000000Stellar outlier; too faint or too bright to be targeted
GALAXY_RED_II0x04000000Luminous Red Galaxy target (Cut II criteria)
ROSAT_E0x08000000ROSAT All-Sky Survey match, but too faint or too bright for SDSS spectroscopy
STAR_PN0x10000000central stars of planetary nebulae
QSO_REJECT0x20000000Object in explicitly excluded region of color space, therefore not targeted at QSO
SOUTHERN_SURVEY0x80000000Set in primtarget if this is a special program target


Which type of objects do you want returned from your query? (Here, the object type is from the spectroscopic target selection algorithms, where the objects have been classified photometrically or by matchup with other catalogs.) (secondary target categories)

The secTarget field is a bit mask specifying which primary target categories the object was selected in. If you select one or more bits in the At least one of these bits ON menu, then the bit-wise OR of each of those bits is computed and it must be greater than 0. If you select one or more of the bits in the All of these bits OFF menu, then the bit-wise AND of all those bits is computed and it must be equal to 0.

The bits are defined as:

LIGHT_TRAP0x00000001hole drilled for bright star, to avoid scattered light
REDDEN_STD0x00000002reddening standard star
TEST_TARGET0x00000004a test target
QA0x00000008quality assurance target
SKY0x00000010sky target
SPECTROPHOTO_STD0x00000020spectrophotometry standard (typically an F-star)
GUIDE_STAR0x00000040guide star hole
BUNDLE_HOLE0x00000080fiber bundle hole
QUALITY_HOLE0x00000100hole drilled for plate shop quality measurements
HOT_STD0x00000200hot standard star
SEGUE2_CLUSTER0x00000400SEGUE-2 stellar cluster target
SEGUE2_STETSON0x00000800SEGUE-2 Stetson standard target
SOUTHERN_SURVEY0x80000000SEGUE-2 checked object or a SEGUE-1/southern survey target

Imaging Constraints

Which imaging constraints (if any) do you want applied to your query?

Sky Version

You may constrain your search using either the values of the imaging parameters used in spectroscopic target selection ("Target") or the "latest and greatest" values of the imaging parameters ("Best"). See also the glossary item for Sky Version .

Magnitude Type

Further, your may constrain your search using either:
  1. Petrosian magnitudes and colors,
  2. PSF magnitudes and colors, or
  3. model magnitudes and colors.
Important: Please read the documentation on "Which magnitude should I use?"


Do you want to search over given range in u, g, r, i, and/or z magnitudes?


Do you want to search over given range in u-g, g-r, r-i, and/or i-z colors?

Object Type

Which type of objects do you want returned from your query? (Here, the object type is the classification from the photometric pipeline, and are based upon how well an object matches a stellar, de Vaucouleurs, or exponential profile.)

The object types are:

  • Extended Sources (e.g., galaxies)
  • Point Sources (e.g., stars, QSOs)
  • Sky Fibers (sky)
  • Unknown (?)

Photometric Quality

You can restrict the search to objects that have minimum photometric quality as determined by the score column in the PhotoObjAll table. The possible values of score are 0 and 1 (0=BAD, 1=ACCEPTABLE). Independently of this constraint, you may also opt to return the score value from the PhotoObjAll table for each object in your search, by checking the "Return value" checkbox. If no value is entered in the "Match Score" box, no quality constraint will be applied but the score will still be returned with your query results.

Photo Flags

Which set of object flags (from photo) do wish to query on?

These flags are discussed in more detail in the document "Understanding the SDSS Image Data Processing Flags".

Photo flags can be set (ON) or (OFF). If you select one or more flags in the At least one of these flags ON menu, then the bit-wise OR of each of those flag bits is computed and it must be greater than 0. If you select one or more of the flags in the All of these flags OFF menu, then the bit-wise AND of all those flag bits is computed and it must be equal to 0.

The object photo flags are:

CANONICAL_CENTER0x0000000000000001Measurements used the center in r*, rather than the locally determined center.
BRIGHT0x0000000000000002Object detected in first, bright object-finding; generally r*<17.5
EDGE0x0000000000000004Object is too close to edge of frame
BLENDED0x0000000000000008Object had multiple peaks detected within it; was thus a candidate to be a deblending parent.
CHILD0x0000000000000010Object is the product of an attempt to deblend a BLENDED object.
PEAKCENTER0x0000000000000020Given center is position of peak pixel, rather than based on the maximum-likelihood estimator.
NODEBLEND0x0000000000000040No deblending was attempted on this object, even though it is BLENDED.
NOPROFILE0x0000000000000080Object was too small or too close to the edge to estimate a radial profile.
NOPETRO0x0000000000000100No valid Petrosian radius was found for this object.
MANYPETRO0x0000000000000200More than one Petrosian radius was found.
NOPETRO_BIG0x0000000000000400Petrosian radius is beyond the last point in the radial profile.
DEBLEND_TOO_MANY_PEAKS0x0000000000000800There were more than 25 peaks in this object to deblend; deblended brightest 25.
COSMIC_RAY0x0000000000001000Contains a pixel interpreted to be part of a cosmic ray.
MANYR500x0000000000002000Object has more than one 50% light radius.
MANYR900x0000000000004000Object has more than one 90% light radius.
BAD_RADIAL0x0000000000008000Some of the points in the given radial profile have negative signal-to-noise ratio. Not a significant parameter.
INCOMPLETE_PROFILE0x0000000000010000Petrosian radius intersects the edge of the frame.
INTERP0x0000000000020000Object contains one or more pixels whose values were determined by interpolation.
SATURATED0x0000000000040000Object contains one or more saturated pixels
NOTCHECKED0x0000000000080000There are pixels in the object which were not checked to see if they included a local peak, such as cores of saturated stars.
SUBTRACTED0x0000000000100000This BRIGHT object had its wings subtracted from the frame
NOSTOKES0x0000000000200000Object has no measured Stokes params
BADSKY0x0000000000400000The sky level is so bad that the highest pixel in the object is very negative; far more so than a mere non-detection. No further analysis is attempted.
PETROFAINT0x0000000000800000At least one possible Petrosian radius was rejected as the surface brightness at r_P was too low. If NOPETRO is not set, a different, acceptable Petrosian radius was found.
TOO_LARGE0x0000000001000000The object is too large for us to measure its profile (it extends beyond a radius of approximately 260), or at least one child is larger than half a frame.
DEBLENDED_AS_PSF0x0000000002000000Deblender treated obj as PSF
DEBLEND_PRUNED0x0000000004000000At least one child was removed because its image was too similar to a supposedly different child.
ELLIPFAINT0x0000000008000000Object center is fainter than the isophote whose shape is desired, so the isophote properties are not measured. Also flagged if profile is incomplete.
BINNED10x0000000010000000Object was detected in 1x1 binned image
BINNED20x0000000020000000Object was detected in 2x2 binned image, after unbinned detections are replaced by background.
BINNED40x0000000040000000Object was detected in 4x4 binned image
MOVED0x0000000080000000The deblender identified this object as possibly moving.
DEBLENDED_AS_MOVING0x0000000100000000A MOVED object that the deblender treated as moving.
NODEBLEND_MOVING0x0000000200000000A MOVED object that the deblender did not treat as moving.
TOO_FEW_DETECTIONS0x0000000400000000A child of this object was not detected in enough bands to reliably deblend as moving.
BAD_MOVING_FIT0x0000000800000000Moving fit too poor to be believable.
STATIONARY0x0000001000000000This object was consistent with being stationary.
PEAKS_TOO_CLOSE0x0000002000000000At least some peaks within this object were too close to be deblended, thus they were merged into a single peak.
MEDIAN_CENTER0x0000004000000000Center given is of median-smoothed image.
LOCAL_EDGE0x0000008000000000Center in at least one band is too close to an edge.
BAD_COUNTS_ERROR0x0000010000000000An object containing interpolated pixels had too few good pixels to form a reliable estimate of its error; the quoted error may be underestimated.
BAD_MOVING_FIT_CHILD0x0000020000000000A possible moving child's velocity fit was too poor, so it was discarded and the parent was not deblended as moving.
DEBLEND_UNASSIGNED_FLUX0x0000040000000000After deblending, a significant fraction of flux was not assigned to any children.
SATUR_CENTER0x0000080000000000Object center is close to at least one saturated pixel.
INTERP_CENTER0x0000100000000000Object center is close to at least one interpolated pixel.
DEBLENDED_AT_EDGE0x0000200000000000An object close enough to the edge of the frame normally not deblended, is deblended anyway. Only set for objects large enough to be EDGE in all fields/strips.
DEBLEND_NOPEAK0x0000400000000000There was no detected peak within this child in at least one band.
PSF_FLUX_INTERP0x0000800000000000Greater than 20% of the PSF flux is from interpolated pixels.
TOO_FEW_GOOD_DETECTIONS0x0001000000000000A child of this object had too few good detections to be deblended as moving.
CENTER_OFF_AIMAGE0x0002000000000000At least one peak's center lay off of the atlas image. This can happen when the object is deblended as moving, or if the astrometry is bad.
DEBLEND_DEGENERATE0x0004000000000000Two or more candidate children were essentially identical; one one was retained.
BRIGHTEST_GALAXY_CHILD0x0008000000000000This child is the brightest family member (in this band) that is classified as a galaxy.
CANONICAL_BAND0x0010000000000000This is the 'canonical' band; r unless the object is undetected in the r filter.
AMOMENT_FAINT0x0020000000000000Object was too faint to measure weighted moments such as mE1_g; unweighted values are reported.
AMOMENT_SHIFT0x0040000000000000Centroid shift too large when measuring adaptive moments. Row/Column shifts are reported in mE1, mE2.
AMOMENT_MAXITER0x0080000000000000Maximum number of iterations exceeded measuring e.g. mE2_g; unweighted values are reported.
MAYBE_CR0x0100000000000000There is reasonable suspicion that this object is actually a cosmic ray.
MAYBE_EGHOST0x0200000000000000There is reasonable suspicion that this object is actually a ghost produced by the CCD electronics.
NOTCHECKED_CENTER0x0400000000000000The center of this object lies in a region that was not searched for objects.
OBJECT2_HAS_SATUR_DN0x0800000000000000The electrons in this saturated object's bleed trails have been included in its estimated flux.
OBJECT2_DEBLEND_PEEPHOLE0x1000000000000000Deblend was modified by the deblender's peephole optimiser.
GROWN_MERGED0x2000000000000000Growing led to a merger
HAS_CENTER0x4000000000000000Object has a canonical center
RESERVED0x8000000000000000Not used

Ani Thakar
Last Modified: Mar 10, 2004