SkyServer: Table Descriptions
Table Descriptions
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sppParamsSPECTRO Contains outputs from the SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline (SSPP).
Spectra for over 500,000 Galactic stars of all common spectral types are available with DR8. These Spectra were processed with a pipeline called the SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline' (SSPP, Lee et al. 2008) that computes standard stellar atmospheric parameters such as [Fe/H], log g and Teff for each star by a variety of methods. These outputs are stored in this table, and indexed on the specObjID' key index parameter for queries joining to other tables such as specobjall and photoobjall. bestobjid is also added (and indexed?) Note that all values of -9999 indicate missing or no values. See the Sample Queries in SkyServer for examples of such queries.