TABLE  sppParams

Contains outputs from the SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline (SSPP).

Spectra for over 500,000 Galactic stars of all common spectral types are available with DR8. These Spectra were processed with a pipeline called the SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline' (SSPP, Lee et al. 2008) that computes standard stellar atmospheric parameters such as [Fe/H], log g and Teff for each star by a variety of methods. These outputs are stored in this table, and indexed on the specObjID' key index parameter for queries joining to other tables such as specobjall and photoobjall. bestobjid is also added (and indexed?) Note that all values of -9999 indicate missing or no values. See the Sample Queries in SkyServer for examples of such queries.

SPECOBJIDbigint8  id number, match in specObjAll
BESTOBJIDbigint8 ID_MAINObject ID of best PhotoObj match (flux-based)
FLUXOBJIDbigint8 ID_MAINObject ID of best PhotoObj match (position-based)
TARGETOBJIDbigint8  targeted object ID
PLATEIDbigint8  Database ID of Plate (match in plateX)
sciencePrimarysmallint2  Best version of spectrum at this location (defines default view SpecObj)
legacyPrimarysmallint2  Best version of spectrum at this location, among Legacy plates
seguePrimarysmallint2  Best version of spectrum at this location, among SEGUE plates (defines default view SpecObj)
FIRSTRELEASEvarchar32  Name of first release this object was associated with
SURVEYvarchar32  Survey name
PROGRAMNAMEvarchar32  Program name
CHUNKvarchar32  Chunk name
PLATERUNvarchar32  Plate drill run name
MJDbigint8  Modified Julian Date of observation
PLATEbigint8  Plate number
FIBERIDbigint8  Fiber number (1-640)
RUN2Dvarchar32  Name of 2D rerun
RUN1Dvarchar32  Name of 1D rerun
RUNSSPPvarchar32  Name of SSPP rerun
TARGETSTRINGvarchar32  ASCII translation of target selection information as determined at the time the plate was designed
PRIMTARGETbigint8  Target selection information at plate design, primary science selection (for backwards compatibility)
SECTARGETbigint8  Target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calib selection (for backwards compatibility)
LEGACY_TARGET1bigint8  Legacy target selection information at plate design, primary science selection
LEGACY_TARGET2bigint8  Legacy target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calib selection
SPECIAL_TARGET1bigint8  Special program target selection information at plate design, primary science selection
SPECIAL_TARGET2bigint8  Special program target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calib selection
SEGUE1_TARGET1bigint8  SEGUE-1 target selection information at plate design, primary science selection
SEGUE1_TARGET2bigint8  SEGUE-1 target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calib selection
SEGUE2_TARGET1bigint8  SEGUE-2 target selection information at plate design, primary science selection
SEGUE2_TARGET2bigint8  SEGUE-2 target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calib selection
SPECTYPEHAMMERvarchar32  Spectral Type from HAMMER
SPECTYPESUBCLASSvarchar32  SpecBS sub-classification
FLAGvarchar32  Flag with combination of four letters among BCdDEgGhHlnNSV, n=normal
TEFFADOPreal4Kelvin Adopted Teff, bi-weigth average of estimators with indicator variable of 1
TEFFADOPNtinyint1Kelvin Number of estimators used in bi-weight average
TEFFADOPUNCreal4Kelvin Error in the adopted temperature
TEFFHA24real4Kelvin Teff estimate from HA24
TEFFHD24real4Kelvin Teff estimate from HD24
TEFFNGS1real4Kelvin Teff estimate from NGS1
TEFFANNSRreal4Kelvin Teff estimate from ANNSR
TEFFANNRRreal4Kelvin Teff estimate from ANNRR
TEFFWBGreal4Kelvin Teff estimate from WBG
TEFFK24real4Kelvin Teff estimate from k24
TEFFKI13real4Kelvin Teff estimate from ki13
TEFFHA24INDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 good
TEFFHD24INDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 good
TEFFNGS1INDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 good
TEFFANNSRINDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 good
TEFFANNRRINDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 good
TEFFWBGINDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 good
TEFFK24INDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 good
TEFFKI13INDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 good
TEFFHA24UNCreal4Kelvin Error in Teff estimate from HA24
TEFFHD24UNCreal4Kelvin Error in Teff estimate from HD24
TEFFNGS1UNCreal4Kelvin Error in Teff estimate from NGS1
TEFFANNSRUNCreal4Kelvin Error in Teff estimate from ANNSR
TEFFANNRRUNCreal4Kelvin Error in Teff estimate from ANNRR
TEFFWBGUNCreal4Kelvin Error in Teff estimate from WBG
TEFFK24UNCreal4Kelvin Error in Teff estimate from k24
TEFFKI13UNCreal4Kelvin Error in Teff estimate from ki13
LOGGADOPreal4dex Adopted log g, bi-weigth average of estimators with indicator variable of 2
LOGGADOPNtinyint1  Number of log g estimators in used bi-weight average
LOGGADOPUNCreal4dex Error in the adopted log g
LOGGNGS2real4dex log g estimate from NGS2
LOGGNGS1real4dex log g estimate from NGS1
LOGGANNSRreal4dex log g estimate from ANNSR
LOGGANNRRreal4dex log g estimate from ANNRR
LOGGCAI1real4dex log g estimate from CaI1
LOGGWBGreal4dex log g estimate from WBG
LOGGK24real4dex log g estimate from k24
LOGGKI13real4dex log g estimate from ki13
LOGGNGS2INDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 good
LOGGNGS1INDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 good
LOGGANNSRINDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 good
LOGGANNRRINDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 good
LOGGCAI1INDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 good
LOGGWBGINDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 good
LOGGK24INDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 good
LOGGKI13INDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 good
LOGGNGS2UNCreal4dex Error in log g estimate from NGS2
LOGGNGS1UNCreal4dex Error in log g estimate from NGS1
LOGGANNSRUNCreal4dex Error in log g estimate from ANNSR
LOGGANNRRUNCreal4dex Error in log g estimate from ANNRR
LOGGCAI1UNCreal4dex Error in log g estimate from CaI1
LOGGWBGUNCreal4dex Error in log g estimate from WBG
LOGGK24UNCreal4dex Error in log g estimate from k24
LOGGKI13UNCreal4dex Error in log g estimate from ki13
FEHADOPreal4dex Adopted [Fe/H], bi-weigth average of estimators with indicator variable of 2
FEHADOPNtinyint1  Number of estimators used in bi-weight average
FEHADOPUNCreal4dex Error in the adopted [Fe/H]
FEHNGS2real4dex [Fe/H] estimate from NGS2
FEHNGS1real4dex [Fe/H] estimate from NGS1
FEHANNSRreal4dex [Fe/H] estimate from ANNSR
FEHANNRRreal4dex [Fe/H] estimate from ANNRR
FEHCAIIK1real4dex [Fe/H] estimate from CaIIK1
FEHCAIIK2real4dex [Fe/H] estimate from CaIIK2
FEHCAIIK3real4dex [Fe/H] estimate from CaIIK3
FEHWBGreal4dex [Fe/H] estimate from WBG
FEHK24real4dex [Fe/H] estimate from k24
FEHKI13real4dex [Fe/H] estimate from ki13
FEHNGS2INDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 low S/N or out of g-r color range, = 2 good
FEHNGS1INDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 low S/N or out of g-r color range, = 2 good
FEHANNSRINDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 low S/N or out of g-r color range, = 2 good
FEHANNRRINDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 low S/N or out of g-r color range, = 2 good
FEHCAIIK1INDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 low S/N or out of g-r color range, = 2 good
FEHCAIIK2INDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 low S/N or out of g-r color range, = 2 good
FEHCAIIK3INDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 low S/N or out of g-r color range, = 2 good
FEHWBGINDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 low S/N or out of g-r color range, = 2 good
FEHK24INDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 low S/N or out of g-r color range, = 2 good
FEHKI13INDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 low S/N or out of g-r color range, = 2 good
FEHNGS2UNCreal4dex Error in [Fe/H] estimate from NGS2
FEHNGS1UNCreal4dex Error in [Fe/H] estimate from NGS1
FEHANNSRUNCreal4dex Error in [Fe/H] estimate from ANNSR
FEHANNRRUNCreal4dex Error in [Fe/H] estimate from ANNRR
FEHCAIIK1UNCreal4dex Error in [Fe/H] estiimate from CaIIK1
FEHCAIIK2UNCreal4dex Error in [Fe/H] estimate from CaIIK2
FEHCAIIK3UNCreal4dex Error in [Fe/H] estimate from CaIIK3
FEHWBGUNCreal4dex Error in [Fe/H] estimate from WBG
FEHK24UNCreal4dex Error in [Fe/H] estimate from k24
FEHKI13UNCreal4dex Error in [Fe/H] estimate from ki13
SNRreal4  Average S/N per pixel over 4000 - 8000 A
QAtinyint1  Quality check on spectrum, depending on S/N
CCCAHKreal4  Correlation coefficient over 3850-4250 A
CCMGHreal4  Correlation coefficient over 4500-5500 A
TEFFSPECreal4Kelvin Spectroscopically determined Teff, color independent
TEFFSPECNtinyint1  Number of estimators used in average
TEFFSPECUNCreal4Kelvin Error in the spectroscopically determined Teff
LOGGSPECreal4dex Spectroscopically determined log g, color independent
LOGGSPECNtinyint1  Number of estimators used in average
LOGGSPECUNCreal4dex Error in the spectroscopically determined log g
FEHSPECreal4dex Spectroscopically determined [Fe/H], color independent
FEHSPECNtinyint1  Number of estimators used in average
FEHSPECUNCreal4dex Error in the spectroscopically determined [Fe/H]
ACF1real4  Auto-Correlation Function over 4000-4086/4116-4325/4355-4500
ACF1SNRreal4  Average signal-to-noise ratio in Auto-Correlation Function 1 (ACF1)
ACF2real4  Auto-Correlation Functioin over 4000-4086/4116-4280/4280-4500
ACF2SNRreal4  Average signal-to-noise ratio in Auto-Correlation Function 2 (ACF2)
INSPECTvarchar32  Flag with combination of six letters among FTtMmCn, for inspecting spectra
ELODIERVFINALreal4km/s Velocity as measured by Elodie library templates, converted to km/s and with the empirical 7.3 km/s offset applied (see Yanny et al. 2009, AJ, 137, 4377)
ELODIERVFINALERRreal4km/s Uncertainty in the measured Elodie RV, as determined from the chisq template-fitting routine. See the discussion of empirically-determined velocity errors in Yanny et al. 2009, AJ, 137, 4377
ZWARNINGbigint8  Warning flags about velocity/redshift determinations
TEFFIRFMreal4Kelvin Teff from Infrared Flux Methods (IRFM)
TEFFIRFMINDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, = 1 good
TEFFIRFMUNCreal4dex Error in Teff estimate from IRFM
LOGGNGS1IRFMreal4dex log g estimate from NGS1 while fixing Teff from IRFM
LOGGNGS1IRFMINDtinyint1  Indicator variable, = 0 bad, =1 good
LOGGNGS1IRFMUNCreal4dex Error in log g from NGS1 while fixing Teff from IRFM
FEHNGS1IRFMreal4dex [Fe/H] estimate from NGS1 while fixing Teff from IRFM
FEHNGS1IRFMINDtinyint1  Indicator variable, =0 bad, = 1 good
FEHNGS1IRFMUNCreal4dex Error in [Fe/H] from NGS1 while fixing Teff from IRFM
LOGGCAI1IRFMreal4dex log g estimate from CAI1 with fixed IRFM Teff
LOGGCAI1IRFMINDtinyint1  Indicator variable, =0 bad, = 1 good
LOGGCAI1IRFMUNCreal4dex Error in log g from CAI1 with fixed IRFM Teff
FEHCAIIK1IRFMreal4dex [Fe/H] from CaIIK1 with fixed IRFM Teff
FEHCAIIK1IRFMINDtinyint1  Indicator variable, =0 bad, = 1 good
FEHCAIIK1IRFMUNCreal4dex Error in [Fe/H] from CaIIK1 with fixed IRFM Teff