Type classification of the object (star, galaxy, cosmic ray, etc.)

Access functions

fPhotoTypeF Returns the PhotoType value, indexed by name (Galaxy, Star,...)
fPhotoTypeNF Returns the PhotoType name, indexed by value (3-> Galaxy, 6-> Star,...)

PhotoType Data values

UNKNOWN0Unknown: Object type is not known.
COSMIC_RAY1Cosmic-ray track (not used).
DEFECT2Defect: Object is caused by a defect in the telescope or processing pipeline. (not used)
GALAXY3Galaxy: An extended object composed of many stars and other matter.
GHOST4Ghost: Object created by reflected or refracted light. (not used)
KNOWNOBJ5KnownObject: Object came from some other catalog (not the SDSS catalog). (not yet used)
STAR6Star: A a self-luminous gaseous celestial body.
TRAIL7Trail: A satellite or asteriod or meteor trail. (not yet used)
SKY8Sky: Blank sky spectogram (no objects in this arcsecond area).