SkyServer: Table Descriptions
Sloan Digital Sky Survey III
SkyServer DR9
Table Descriptions
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stellarMassPCAWiscSPECTRO Estimated stellar masses for BOSS galaxies using PCA technique.
Stellar masses using the method of Chen et al. (2012). These have been calculated only for the DR9 BOSS galaxy spectra. In this table, the best estimate of stellar mass is 'mstellar_median'. Please use the 'warning' values to check for data quality: warning = 0 : Results correspond to a best-fit PCA spectrum (no problems detected) warning = 1 : Target redshift too small (z < 0.05) warning = 2 : Target redshift too large (z > 0.80) warning = 3 : READSPEC cannot get wavelength vector warning = 4 : Available wavelengths all outside PCA coverage warning = 5 : Unable to project projection wavelength range warning = 6 : Unable to select projection wavelength range warning = 7 : Minimum chi^2 less than zero warning = 8 : Total of log mass PDF equal to zero warning = 9 : Total of velocity dispersion PDF equal to zero