SkyServer Upload List
Sloan Digital Sky Survey III
SkyServer DR9
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 Object Crossid

Please see below for help on how to fill crossID upload form.

Search type
Search radius [arcmin] (Max 3.0 arcmin)
Number of preceding non-data columns

Cut and paste the upload list containing ra,dec or run,rerun,camcol,field,obj here:

Or upload it as text file

Type your SQL query here (see below for help).



CrossID Help

This page is to do dynamic cross identifications of SDSS photometric objects with a user defined list of object positions or objIDs (5-part SDSS object ID consisting of run,rerun,camcol,field,obj).

In order to avoid congestion on the server, the upload file is limited to a size of 80KB, and the radius (for RA/dec search) is limited to 3 arcmin. The crossid search will time out after 1800 secs, and the output data set can not exceed 500000 objects. Please see the Query Limits page. If this is a problem, please submit your list in pieces.

Upload list format:
You have the following choices:
  1. List of (ra,dec) pairs or list of objIDs (run,rerun,camcol,field,obj)
    Always ra comes first, followed by dec. Both ra and dec must be in degrees. The separator can be any white space or a comma. The objIDs must be the 5-part SDSS identifiers, i.e. run, rerun, camcol, field and obj numbers, not the long 64-bit objIDs.
  2. List of preceding non-data fields followed by (ra,dec) or (run,rerun,camcol,field,obj) data fields
    The fields must always be in this order. The preceding columns can be any fields that you want repeated in the output. The number of preceding columns must be specified in the second parameter above. The default example shows one preceding column ("name"). Both ra and dec must be in degrees. The separator can be any white space or a comma.
  3. Same as above, with a single header line
    The formats (1) and (2) can also contain a single header line, containing the column names. The header must use the same separator as the data. The names ra and dec or run,rerun,camcol,field and obj are mandatory.
  4. Lists in the IRSA Gator format
    For details see the IRSA website.
You need to either cut/paste the list into the textbox, or upload a text file. Various extensions (.txt, .dat, .csv, .tbl) are allowed, as long as the MIME type does not get confused. Binary files are not accepted.

If both the paste buffer and file upload are specified, the file upload takes precedence.

Setting up query in the query window:
Add or remove fields that you want returned from the SELECT list, and add more constraints to the WHERE clause if you desire (preceded with a boolean operator). If your query does not include a p.objID field in the SELECT, it will be added for you, because the matching with the upload list is done based on objID. You may also replace PhotoTag with Galaxy, Star, or any other photo view or table if you want to restrict the kind of object that is matched. Remember that PhotoTag will be the fastest usually because it is a thin table (more rows fit in the cache), so unless you need the fields from larger tables, use PhotoTag (with a mode or type constraint if necessary). Make sure the photo table/view is aliased as 'p'.
Do not modify the #x and #upload parts of the FROM clause otherwise your upload will not work.

Query is limited to 1800 seconds and 500000 rows. Please see the Query Limits page.